Someone should have warned me about moving in August in Tennessee. It is hot. My new house's air conditioner is broken. AND sketch AC dude's quick fix leaked all kinds of freak/toxic into the air. So, I'm equipped with a few window units for now that are total ghetto rigged and make my house a pretty easy break in. It's double duty for the hustlers down here - AC's are BANK on making money because of the copper, and then they have even easier access to my goodies. Like my $10 couch and my 19" TV I got from the grocery store back in 2002. Whatev, just hope they leave me and my furry friends alone.
I drank a gallon of water today, and probably sweated the same. If I didn't lose any weight there, I probably lost some in blood lost to those little mosquito buggers. I swear people must have thought me to be some kinda meth head the way I was scratching on my business.
Besides losing like 10 lbs in water/blood weight, things are awesome. Yesterday Jeff and I sat on my front stoop and watched the little neighbor boys be boys. Then we met another neighbor boy (~12 years old) who filled us in on what the house used to be like. He said there were 6 dogs living here and he came in one time and there was poop everywhere!! Then we met Roger - the other next door neighbor, who reminded me a little of Bubba. This morning I took Lula out to sniff stuff and do puppy things while I ate my breakfast and drank my coffee and relaxed on my fancy lounge chair on the back deck. I am still lawn-mower-less, so I pretended the very-overgrown grass was a lush field of wildflowers.
I am so sleepy and so sore. My muscles feel like rope burn. My feet feel worse. I need rubs real bad.
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