Nashville Film Festival

This news comes a little late, but I'm still pretty stoked, so I thought I'd share.

My fellow buddy designer Jeff Leet and I had been asked to help the board members of Nashville Film Festival in their search for a new identity and logo. We attended a few meetings and were presented with a healthy amount of awesome logos. The board couldn't really agree on any of them, so they put Anode up to the test. After a million logo options between our 4 designers, we picked a few goodies to present. They picked mine!!!

The logo is a few filmstrips that make up the skyline of Nashville. The middle one is highlighted as our recognized "batman building".

I'm super excited. This film fest is a pretty large one (10th in the country) and this is my first big Nashville logo! Word is J. Nicholson is attending this year's festivities. I'd do some freelance for that brutha!


Anonymous said...

You did a great job on the logo! Everyone that sees it loves it. Keep up the good work!
Stacy Widelitz, Pres. Nashville Film Festival

Sally Mae said...

You rock my world kiddo!! Congrats!

Jett Loe said...

Good job! :)

(and is it a 'bat/man head.. or really the Tower of Mordor?!?